Stovall Family Association
National Reunion Itinerary
Crowne Plaza Resort, One Resort Drive, Asheville, NC
Our reunion committee has planned an exciting reunion in beautiful Asheville, NC. This event only happens every three years, so come for the fun, the fellowship, the family, and a very unique experience! Visit exploreasheville.com for more information about our reunion city. The Crowne Plaza Resort will host us. Downtown Asheville is small and many local restaurants and shops are easily walk-able. However, remember we are in the mountains and terrain will be hilly. Please see our Important Info and Dates page for more reunion information.
Thursday, July 6, 2023
4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Stovall Family Association welcomes you! Pick-up your reunion information packet, memorabilia orders or purchase reunion memorabilia, and ask any reunion weekend questions on Thursday evening at Hospitality Suite of our host hotel. If you miss checking in at during hospitality suite hours, your packet will be available for pick-up in the lobby before the Biltmore tour.
Reunion attendees will have Thursday evening to enjoy Asheville.
Friday, July 7, 2023
8:15 am – 2:30 pm
Biltmore Estate Tour & Lunch
Visit America’s largest home, built by George Vanderbilt. Explore the 8000-acre beautiful and grand estate in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC. The tour includes admission to the home and gardens, audio headset, wine tasting, and bus transportation to/from hotel. Grab lunch with your Stovall cousins at your own pace in Antler Hill Village. Lunch is not included. Antler Hill Village features lunch options for everyone from $-$. Reservations are recommended for higher-end restaurants. For more information about the Biltmore Estate and restaurants in Antler Hill Village, please visit biltmore.com.
5:45 pm – 9:15 pm
LaZoom Band and Beer Tour
Wanna hear the best local music and drink the best local beers? Hop aboard LaZoom’s Purple Bus and rock out with a local band while we take you on a journey to Asheville’s premiere local breweries. This ADULTS ONLY (21+) tour will feature a local band on board the bus with two 45-minute stops at two local Asheville Breweries, Hillman Beer and Highland Brewing. Dinner orders will be called in prior to departure and served at our first stop, Hillman’s. You’ll pay for your food order at the brewery along with any beer purchases. Guests may bring their own “adult beverages” in a small cooler on the bus. Space is limited to 40. Bus departs from our hotel at approximately 5:45 PM and will return after 9:00 PM. For more information about LaZoom or the breweries, please visit lazoomtours.com, hillmanbeer.com, and highlandbrewing.com. Those not joining this tour will have free time in Asheville.
Saturday, July 8, 2023
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Grayline Trolley Tour
Asheville may be small, but it packs a punch. Rich with history as early at 1800, Asheville was a crossroads for infamous frontier men such as Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. While many cities have had major overhauls in past decades, Asheville’s historic and architecturally diverse downtown remains beautifully preserved and offers a true glimpse into its historic past. Join Gray Line’s trolley through Asheville and learn all about the city’s past and present.
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Free time to explore Asheville
After the Grayline Trolley Tour grab some lunch and continue your day discovering Asheville. Our hotel is in downtown and close to great restaurants and eclectic artisan shops.
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Stovall Social, Hospitality Suite
Who says you can’t mix business with fun? Come and mingle with your Stovall cousins, maybe find that missing genealogical connection while getting to know one another. It’s a chance to compare any common ancestral traits. I know my Grandma always thought Stovall fits were hereditary. It will be a great way to meet and chat with your cousins. While socializing, we’ll share some Stovall Family Association news and you’ll be able to cast your vote for the next reunion location in 2026. If you come and mingle, you will also receive an extra ticket for all prize drawings. This is a free event and refreshments will be served.
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – Free time
Enjoy some free time to take a reunion nap, get ready for the evening’s banquet, or enjoy a cocktail.
7:00 pm
Reunion Banquet with buffet dinner and special entertainment
Join us for the reunion banquet at the Crowne Plaza Resort; it’s the event every one looks forward to attending! Dinner will be a delicious buffet and mountain music with Boogertown Gap! Some members will be honored with awards and we’ll select the winners of the state gift baskets. Most exciting, we’ll announce the location of the 2026 reunion! A cash bar will be available. So, put on your dressy clothes and join us a wonderful evening!
Sunday, July 9, 2023
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Closing Ceremony at the Crowne Plaza Resort
Time to say farewell to our Stovall cousins. Join us for a guest speaker, a Stovall historical reenactment, announcement the quilt raffle winner, and more. Jeff Oakley will speak to us about his vision for Belmead in Powhatan, VA. Mr. Oakley recently purchased the land that includes the land granted to Bartholomew Stovall after his indentured servitude – our ancestral land. Since a full breakfast is included with your room rate, we ask that you enjoy your breakfast first and then join us for the closing ceremonies. The guest speaker and reenactment will be announced closer to the reunion. This is a free event.
Download the itinerary: 2023 Stovall Family Reunion Itinerary