Stovall Family Association
2023 National Reunion | July 6-9
Asheville, NC
Hi Stovall Cousins,
The 2023 National Reunion will be here before you know it! Our reunion committee has been busy planning an exciting reunion in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina. We look forward to bringing Stovalls together from all over the country, meeting our 1684 Stovall cousins, and spending a fun-filled weekend together. We hope to have a mountain music performance at the banquet. Mr. Jeff Oakley will talk about his vision for Belmead at the closing ceremony. Weekend events also include a tour of the Biltmore Estate, LaZoom Band & Beer night out, and trolley tour of Asheville. Registration will open soon! Don’t forget to pre-order your Reunion memorabilia. It’s not to be missed!
The reunion will take place on July 6-9, 2023 at the Crowne Plaza Resort hotel in Asheville, NC. Hotel reservations will open in July 2022. The hospitality/registration area will be open beginning Thursday evening, July 6th to welcome you!
Your registration packet will include information on the hotel, tours, meals, reunion events, as well as, reunion memorabilia available. Remember, we can’t have a reUnion without U!
This event only happens every three years! It’s very important that you register no later than June 1, 2023 to avoid a late fee. This allows us time to put the final touches on the event. We have tours to confirm, a banquet to finalize, and memorabilia to order, so it’s important to know who’s coming as early as possible.
Thursday, July 6 Stovall Family Association welcomes you! Pick-up your reunion information packet, memorabilia orders or purchase reunion memorabilia, and ask any reunion weekend questions on Thursday evening at Hospitality Suite of our host hotel. If you miss checking in during hospitality suite hours, your packet will be available for pick-up in the lobby before the Biltmore tour.
Friday, July 7, our reunion begins with a tour and lunch at Biltmore. Join us on the LaZoom Band and Beer tour/dinner and hear the best local music and drink the best local beers. Those not attending the LaZoom Band and Beer tour will have the evening free to enjoy dinner at one of Asheville’s eclectic restaurants and explore the downtown area.
Saturday, July 8, we will enjoy a Grayline Trolley tour of downtown Asheville in the morning. Then come and spend the afternoon mingling with your Stovall cousins and vote for the 2026 reunion location. The evening banquet includes a wonderful buffet dinner, followed by entertainment by Boogertown Gap featuring Austin Stovall. We’ll have awards and many fun surprises for this evening. The winner of the state gift baskets will be selected. The location of 2026 reunion will be announced!
Sunday, July 9, is the closing of this great event. After you enjoy your complimentary breakfast, bring in a cup of coffee and join us for the closing ceremony. We’ll have a guest speaker, Mr. Jeff Oakley, a Stovall historical reenactment and the winner of the quilts will be selected. Join us and say, “until next time” to your Stovall cousins.
Come for the fun, family and the unique experience!
Jennifer Deason, President
Stovall Family Association
757-752-1950 or sfainfo@yahoo.com